Digital workspace
Access your desktop anywhere, anytime, from any device
What is Digital Workspace?
Digital Workspace, also known as Desktop-as-a-Service or (DaaS), essentially moves your physical workstation environment to the cloud, enabling your team to access business applications securely from anywhere on any device.
Why consider Remote Workspace?
With major disruption like Covid-19 pandemic, organisations need to think about business continuity plans for their staff to continue working remotely. Office work is no longer tied to the office, most modern workplaces today enable staff to access applications, data and services away from the office environment in a work from home model.
Traditionally some businesses rely on VPN or Remote desktop technologies for remote users, however, this method has inherent issues like capacity, bandwidth and data security issues. Furthermore, in order to scale, additional infrastructure is required to support additional users.
DaaS solves these issues by moving to a subscription model using DaaS providers like AWS or Microsoft Azure. Using DaaS providers, you eliminate the need to purchase hardware and only pay for what you use. The environment can easily be configured to scale to thousands of users when you need it.
Virtual Desktop
Digital Workspace is a solution that can meet many business requirements delivering benefits across number of areas including:
Put security at the heart of work from home
Extend protection for data, network and systems security to manage the use of personal devices and new collaboration tools.
How it works?
Digital workspaces allow users to access a cloud-based desktop experience by simply installing a lightweight app or use a standard web browser like Chrome or Firefox on a local device. This device can be a Microsoft Windows or MAC computer, iPad or Android tablet and thin client devices.
With a reliable internet connection, remote workspace can be accessed from any device. The virtual desktop experience simply streams the desktop to your local device but all the heavy lifting and data storage resides in the cloud. This means if you turn off your device, no work will be lost as it is all securely stored in the cloud.
What does it cost and the licensing requirements?
Pricing differs between AWS Workspaces and Microsoft Virtual Desktop, but at a high level, you can choose to bring your own licenses (operating system and application) or bundle it with your on-demand pricing.
Pricing can vary depending on your usage, you have the choice of different machine performance with two consumption models.
Monthly pricing: Fixed cost for remote workspace regardless of usage. This is the most cost-effective pricing for full-time staff
Hourly pricing: Pay a smaller monthly fee and get charged on the hours used. This is most suitable for casual staff with less than 20 hours of weekly usage. However, pricing can be blown out if the user forgets to turn off the virtual machine
You can check out the pricing at AWS workspaces or Azure Virtual Desktop
How we help?
We can help architect the Digital Workspace environment to seamlessly integrate into your existing infrastructure. Users will be using the same login credentials and have access to all the applications and resources available in the office.
We will help build machine templates with pre-approved applications so you can deploy thousands of virtual desktops when you need them and not pay for it when you don't. Users simply request a remote workspace instance and the system will automatically provision a virtual desktop for your users.
Our Cloud Services will help you manage updates and cost management.